
Publications du projet MAP:

Articles dans les Médias Populaires

  • Gamache, S., Routhier, F., Mahmood, A., Mortenson W.B. (2022). SWAN un outil de dialogue pour favoriser l’accessibilité de l’espace urbain. Urbanité – Automne 2022, 20–22.

  • Mahmood, A., Ford, H.T., Qureshi, M. (September 2021)., The pandemic highlights the importance of walkable and wheelable neighbourhoods, The Conversation.

  • Mostafavi, M.A., Gionet-Pichette, C., Afghantoloee, A., Azimi, S. (2022). Bâtiments intelligents et connectés pour une mobilité inclusive. Revue GÉOMATIQUE, la revue de l’Ordre des arpenteurs-géomètres du Québec, 49(2): 19-25.

Articles de journaux

  • Lapierre, N., Labrie, D., Routhier, F., & Mortenson, W. B. (2023). Service delivery and programing adaptations for individuals with disabilities by municipalities and non-profit organizations during the COVID pandemic. Home Health Care Services Quarterly, 1–16. Advance online publication.

  • Lapierre, N., Olatona, O., Labrie, D., Gagnon, M., Paquette Raynard, E., Mortenson, W. B., & Routhier, F. (2022). Providing community services for persons with disabilities during the COVID-19 pandemic: A scoping review. Health & Social Care in the Community, 00, 1– 15.

Articles in popular media

Chapitres de livre

  • Azimi, S., Mostafavi, M.A., Best, K.L., Dommes, A. (2023) Investigating the Navigational Behavior of Wheelchair Users in Urban Environments Using Eye Movement Data (pp. 57-75). In International Symposium on Web and Wireless Geographical Information Systems. Springer Nature Switzerland.

  • Mahmood, A., Labbé, D. (2021). Mobility and participation barriers and facilitators in the urban environment captured through user-led audits and photovoice by older adults with mobility disability (pp. 27-44). In M.D. Hartt, S. Biglieri, M. Rosenberg S. Nelson (Eds.), Aging People Aging Places. Policy Press: Bristol, UK.

  • Naghdizadegan Jahromi, M., Neysani Samany, N., Mostafavi, M.A., Argany, M. (2023) A new approach for accessibility assessment of sidewalks for wheelchair users considering the sidewalk traffic (pp. 76-92). In International Symposium on Web and Wireless Geographical Information Systems. Springer Nature Switzerland.

Conference publications

Dans les médias

  • Dr. Ben Mortenson a été interviewé pour l’article « Demandez à un expert : comment puis-je profiter d’activités par temps froid si je vis avec un handicap ? » dans le bulletin VCHRI :

In the Media


MAP newsletter

Media Events

Présentations à des conférences

  • Afghantoloee, A. (2022). Optimal deployment of sensor networks in indoor environments in support of the navigation of people with motor disabilities. Webinaire du Centre de recherche en données et intelligence géospatiales (CRDIG), Québec, Canada, 10 November 2022.

  • Ahmadi, A., Mostafavi. M.A. (2022). Smart sidewalk: Using deep learning for mobility assessment of wheelchair users in winter conditions from multisensor data. Les Journées de la relève en intelligence et données du Rendez-vous en IA de Québec, Canada, 6 April 2022.

  • Azimi, S., Mostafavi, M.A. (2022). Technologie de suivi oculaire, un nouveau regard de la mobilité urbaine en fauteuil roulant. 89e Congrès de l’Acfas : Sciences tous azimuts Québec, Canada, 9-13 May 2022.

  • Barthod, C., Routhier, F., Best, K. (2021). Approche conceptuelle de l’activité physique pour des individus ayant des incapacités. Journées de la recherche de la Faculté de médecine [de l’Université Laval] et des centres affiliés, Québec, 25-27 May 2021.

  • Battalova, A. (2023). Presentation of accessibility advisory committee project results. 5 presentations to City of Richmond, City of Surrey, City of Delta, Comox Valley, and Intermunicipal Accessibility Committee on Disability Issues.

  • Battalova, A. Right to the City: Understanding the Role of Accessibility Committees in Local Governments. Society for Disability Studies Annual Conference, April 8-12, 2022, Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio.

  • Battalova, A. Right to the City: Understanding the Role of Accessibility Committees in Local Governments. Society for Disability Studies Annual Conference, April 8-12, 2022, Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio.

  • Battalova, A., Ford, T., Prescott, M., Mahmood, A., Best, K., Boucher, N., Collomb, O., Mostafavi, M.A., Labbe, D., Lamontagne, M-E., Martin Ginis, K., McColl, MA., Miller, W., Routhier, F., Mortenson, W.B. (May 27, 2022). Partnership for mobility, access and participation: moving towards barrier-free communities in person and online. Horizons: Crisis and Social Transformation in Community-Engaged Research, May 26-29, 2022, Vancouver, British Columbia.

  • Battalova, A., Ford, T., Prescott, M., Mahmood, A., Best, K., Boucher, N., Collomb, O., Mostafavi, M.A., Labbe, D., Lamontagne, M-E., Martin Ginis, K., McColl, MA., Miller, W., Routhier, F., Mortenson, W.B. (May 27, 2022). Partnership for mobility, access and participation: moving towards barrier-free communities in person and online. Horizons: Crisis and Social Transformation in Community-Engaged Research, May 26-29, 2022, Vancouver, British Columbia.

  • Battalova, A., Mortenson, W.B. (2023). Embodied participation: disability epistemology on the advisory committees. Presentation at the 2023 Canadian Sociological Association Conference, Toronto.

  • Battalova, A., Mortenson, W.B. Deliberative spaces: Accessibility advisory committees and disability policy justice. Canadian Sociological Association : Société canadienne de sociologie annual conference, May 12 – 20, 2022.

  • Battalova, A., Mortenson, W.B. Deliberative spaces: Accessibility advisory committees and disability policy justice. Canadian Sociological Association : Société canadienne de sociologie annual conference, May 12 – 20, 2022.

  • Battalova, A., Scales, T., Bever, G., Chan, J., Hall, J., Perkins, J., Miller, W.C., Mortenson W.B. (2024, April 17).Considering the use of bike lanes by mobility device users: A qualitative study [Poster session]. Interdisciplinary Conference in Rehabilitation Sciences of BC (INCREASE BC), Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.

  • Boucher, N. (2022). Praxis et Perspective. Les enjeux de la recherche participative dans le champ du handicap ou les regards des pratiques sociales à l’égard des partenariats. Colloque Collaborer pour pérenniser les résultats de la recherche partenariale sur les enjeux sociaux et de santé (conférence ouverture). 89e Congrès de l’Acfas : Sciences tous azimuts, Québec, Canada, 9-13 May 2022.

  • Corcuff, M. (2022). Knowledge Mobilization Strategy within a municipality to improve accessibility of the built environment: a research protocol. AAATE 2022, Lecco, Italie, 11-15 July 2022.

  • Corcuff, M. (2022). Knowledge mobilization to improve the implementation of universal accessibility measures: partnership with municipalities to the development of training and intervention tools. Colloque international Urban Mobility II, Paris, France, 16 May-3 June 2022.

  • Corcuff, M. (2022). Municipalities’ strategies to improve implementation of universal accessibility : a scoping review. KT Canada Summer Institute, Québec.

  • Corcuff, M. (2023). Améliorer l’accessibilité des villes: co-création d’outils en mobilisation des connaissances. Journée scientifique REPAR-INTER 2023, Drummondville, Canada, 9 June 2023.

  • Ford, H.T. (2022). Stakeholders Walkability/Wheelability Audit In Neighbourhood (SWAN), Two presentations at City of Richmond and City of Surrey.

  • Gamache, S., Lemay, F., Lacroix, E., Mahmood, A., Labbé, D., Mortenson, W.B., Routhier, F. (2021). Audit environnemental réalisé par des utilisateurs d’aides à la mobilité dans des quartiers de la Ville de Québec (affiche). Journée scientifique REPAR-INTER 2021, événement en ligne, 3-7 May 2021.

  • Gamache, S., Prescott, M., Rivard, A., Turcotte, M.P., Roberge, J., St-Pierre, R., Tremblay-Turcotte, S., Best, K.L., Grandisson, M., Morales, E., Mostafavi, M.A., Mortenson, W.B., Routhier, F. (2022). Randonnées en plein air accessibles: Une recherche sur les normes axée sur les utilisateurs. 4e Congrès québécois de recherche en adaptation-réadaptation, Sherbrooke, 3-4 June 2022.

  • Gotti, D., Morales, E., Routhier, F. (2023). Les quelques pratiques actuelles d’accessibilité inclusive des aéroports internationaux : Un examen de la portée (présentation par affiche). Journée scientifique REPAR-INTER 2023, Drummondville, Canada, 9 June 2023.

  • Hadj Hassen, A., Morales, E., Routhier, F., Gotti, D., Feillou, I., Ruel, J., Monetta, L., Hotton, M., Wolbring, G. (2024). (Lack of) Accessibility on Canadian Airports. Livable Cities: A Conference on Issues Affecting Life in Cities, London, accepted for 26-28 June 2024.

  • Jeawon, M., Hase, B., Miller, S., Eng, J., Bundon, A., Chaudhury, H., Mortenson, W.B. (2022). People with incomplete spinal cord injury describe struggling to be fully included. Presentation at the 18th World Federation of Occupational Therapy Congress, Paris, France, 28-31 August 2022.

  • Kardeh, B. (2021). Navigating the built environment, accessible communities for people with disabilities and older adults, Richmond Seniors Advisory Committee (RSAC), September 2021.

  • Kiki, G.M., Lamontagne, M-E., Routhier, F., Best, K.L. (2022). Is transit training a solution for independent travel for older people with mobility impairments? 11th World Physiotherapy Africa Congress, Republic of Benin, 27-29 October 2022.

  • Lapierre N., Mortenson B.W., Dylane Labrie, Huet-Fiola C., Côté C., Vincent-Blouin E., Morales E., & Routhier F. (Accepté) Recherche-action participative pour soutenir l’adaptation des services communautaires destinés aux personnes avec incapacités depuis la pandémie de COVID-19. 10° Colloque Santé : L’inclusion et la désinstitutionalisation: nouveaux paradigmes ou injonctions pour innover dans le champ de la santé?, Marseille, France. 23-24 mai 2023.

  • Lapierre, N., Mortenson, B., Labrie, D., Huet-Fiola, C., Routhier F. (Accepté) Améliorer l’accès aux services communautaires en ligne pour les personnes avec incapacités depuis la pandémie de COVID-19 : ateliers de co-création. 90e Congrès de l’Acfas, Montréal, Canada 1-23 mai 2023. #72964

  • Mahmood, A., Ford, H. T., Rikhtehgaran, F., & Mortensen, W. B. (2023, June 20-23). Adapting Stakeholders Walkability/Wheelability Audit in Neighborhoods Tool for people with Sensory and Cognitive Disabilities [Conference presentation]. EDRA54 Environment and Health: Global/Local Challenges and Actions. Mexico City, Mexico.

Public Forums

Reports, briefs and other forms of grey literature

Research Summaries
