
Publications from the MAP project:

Reports, briefs and other forms of grey literature

  • Mahmood, A., Rikhtehgaran, F., Nasiri, N., Haji Hosseini, S. (2023). SWAN Project Results of the Mobility Stream in the City of Burnaby, City of Burnaby.

  • Mahmood, A., Rikhtehgaran, F., (2023). Report on Stakeholders’ Walkability/Wheelability Audit in Neighbourhoods (SWAN) project for the dementia stream in the City of Richmond, City of Richmond.

  • Mostafavi, M.A. (2021). MobiliSIG : pour une meilleure mobilité et participation sociale des personnes ayant des incapacités. Rapport de recherche soumis au MEI.

  • Battalova, A., Mortenson, W.B. (2022). Accessibility Advisory Committees. Community Report.

MAP newsletter



  • Ben Mortenson and Ola Olatona participated in the Intergroup Interaction Research Roundtable, a workshop hosted by CNIB, October 26 & 30, 2023.

  • Krista Best and Alifiya Battalova conducted a grantwriting workshop for MAP trainees as part of the 2023 MAP annual meeting, Quebec, June 27, 2023.

  • Delphine Labbé conducted a methodology workshop for MAP trainees as part of the 2023 MAP annual meeting, Quebec, June 28, 2023.

  • Juan Mansilla in partnership with La Ruche Vanier (community organization). Sensibilisation aux différences de la mobilité en ville : cartographie des espaces de vie (2022). Participants: people with visual or physical disabilities., people without disabilities. Québec, Canada, 26 July 2022.

  • Juan Mansilla in partnership with La Ruche Vanier (community organization). Québec et la mobilité inclusive : l’accessibilité universelle et ses obstacles (2022). Participants: people with physical disabilities. Québec, Canada, 20 September 2022.

  • Juan Mansilla. Le handicap, le militantisme et la participation sociale (2022). Participants: people with physical disabilities. Québec, Canada, 13 October 2022.

  • Nolwenn Lapierre in partnership with MAP partner Servio (new name for TCC des 2 rives). Rencontres d’identification de besoins et de co-construction de solutions dans le cadre du projet : Accès aux services communautaires pour les personnes avec incapacités depuis la pandémie de COVID-19 : une étude de type recherche-action. Participants: Managers and service users: 15 October 2021, 17-18 et 24 November 2021, February 2022, June 2022.

  • Nolwenn Lapierre in partnership with le Regroupement des personnes handicapées visuelles (RPHV, an organization for people with visual disabilities). Rencontres d’identification de besoins et de co-construction de solutions dans le cadre du projet « Accès aux services communautaires pour les personnes avec incapacités depuis la pandémie de COVID-19 : une étude de type recherche-action ». Participants : Participants: Managers and service users: 18 October 2021, 28 October 2022, December 2021, 4 February 2022, 27 May 2022.

  • Nolwenn Lapierre in partnership with MAP partner Adaptavie. Rencontres d’identification de besoins et de co-construction de solutions dans le cadre du projet « Accès aux services communautaires pour les personnes avec incapacités depuis la pandémie de COVID-19 : une étude de type recherche-action ». Participants: Managers and service users: October 2021, 10 November 2021, January 2022, 12 May 2022, June 2022.

  • Nolwenn Lapierre in partnership with Clinique Synapse (company offering physiotherapy, kinesiology and occupational therapy rehabilitation services). Rencontres d’identification de besoins et de co-construction de solutions dans le cadre du projet « Accès aux services communautaires pour les personnes avec incapacités depuis la pandémie de COVID-19 : une étude de type recherche-action ». Participants : Participants: Managers and service users: 14 January 2022, 18 March 2022, April 2022, June 2022, August 2022.

Media Events

Public Forums

  • SWAN Interactive Stakeholders Forum. June 13, 2022.

  • Ben Mortenson served as Moderator, Disability Foundation’s Accessible Community Forum: Built Environment. May 21, 2021, Vancouver, BC.

  • Best, K.L., Battalova, A., Loverin, A., Corcuff, M., Verret-Corriveau, M-H., Périnet-Lacroix, R., Légaré, M., April, S., Bergevin, G., Gosselin, F. (2023). Panel discussion on winning collaboration strategies. Hybrid public forum session held as part of the MAP National Meeting on 28 June 2023.

  • Best, K.L. (2022). ‘Service d’accompagnement en mobilité intégrée’ peut-il répondre aux besoins de transport en commun des personnes ayant un TCC ? Connexion TCC Forum, Montreal, Canada, 15 November 2022.

  • Ford, H.T., Sharrock, A., May 2022, SWAN-City of Surrey 55+ Transportation forum.

  • Sharrock, A., June 2022, SWAN-City of Surrey 55+ Technology Forum.

Research Summaries

Conference publications

  • Lapierre, N., Huet-Fiola, C., Labrie, D., Vincent-Blouin, E., Côté, C., Rhéaume, N., Laberge, J., Best, K.L., Routhier, F. (2023). Requirements to develop an online platform supporting access to outdoor leisure activities for people with disabilities. Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technology of North America (RESNA) Annual Conference. Nouvelle-Orléans, États-Unis. 24-26 July 2023. [Résumé]

  • Mostafavi, M.A., Bahloul, M., Boucher, N, Routhier, F., (2023) A novel geospatial assistive navigation technology for seamless multimodal mobility of wheelchair users. The 17h International Conference of the Association for the Advancement of Assistive Technology in Europe (AAATE), Paris, France. 7 P. (Abstract based evaluation)

Articles in popular media

  • Gamache, S., Routhier, F., Mahmood, A., Mortenson W.B. (2022). SWAN un outil de dialogue pour favoriser l’accessibilité de l’espace urbain. Urbanité – Automne 2022, 20–22.

  • Mahmood, A., Ford, H.T., Qureshi, M. (September 2021)., The pandemic highlights the importance of walkable and wheelable neighbourhoods, The Conversation.

  • Mostafavi, M.A., Gionet-Pichette, C., Afghantoloee, A., Azimi, S. (2022). Bâtiments intelligents et connectés pour une mobilité inclusive. Revue GÉOMATIQUE, la revue de l’Ordre des arpenteurs-géomètres du Québec, 49(2): 19-25.

Journal articles

  • Lapierre, N., Olatona, O., Labrie, D., Gagnon, M., Paquette Raynard, E., Mortenson, W. B., & Routhier, F. (2022). Providing community services for persons with disabilities during the COVID-19 pandemic: A scoping review. Health & Social Care in the Community, 00, 1– 15.

  • Lapierre, N., Labrie, D., Routhier, F., & Mortenson, W. B. (2023). Service delivery and programing adaptations for individuals with disabilities by municipalities and non-profit organizations during the COVID pandemic. Home Health Care Services Quarterly, 1–16. Advance online publication.

  • Gamache S, Routhier F, Mahmood A, & Mortenson WB. (2022). SWAN un outil de dialogue pour favoriser l’accessibilité de l’espace urbain. Urbanité – Automne 2022, 20-22.

  • Best, K. L., Mortenson, W. Ben, Lauzière-Fitzgerald, Z., & Smith, E. M. (2022).Language matters! The long-standing debate between identity-first language and person first language. Assistive Technology, 34(2), 127–128.

  • Mwaka, C. R., Best, K. L., Cunningham, C., Gagnon, M., & Routhier, F. (2024). Barriers and facilitators of public transport use among people with disabilities: a scoping review. Frontiers in Rehabilitation Sciences, 4


  • Best, K.L., Noreau, L., Gagnon M-A., Barthod, C., Hitzig S.L., Routhier, F. (2022). Housing, transportation and quality of life among people with mobility limitations: A critical review of relationships and issues related to access to home- and community-based Services. Disabilities, 2(2), 204-218. doi: 10.3390/disabilities2020015

  • Best, K.L., Rushton, P., Sheriko, J., Nicitopoulos Arbour, K., Dib, T., Kirby, L., Lamontagne, M-E., Moore, S., Ouellet, B., Routhier, F. (2023). Effectiveness of wheelchair skills training for improving manual wheelchair mobility in children and adolescents: protocol for a multicenter randomized waitlist-controlled trial. BMC Pediatrics 23, 485.

  • Corcuff, M., Ruiz Rodrigo, A., Mwaka, C.R., Routhier, F., Battalova, A., Lamontagne, M. E. (2023) Municipalities’ Strategies to Implement Universal Accessibility Measures: A Scoping Review. Available at SSRN 4327401.

  • Corcuff, M., Routhier, F., Paquette-Raynard, E., Gagnon, M., Battalova, A., Mwaka, C.R, Lamontagne, M-E. (2022). Organizations’ Strategies to Improve Implementation of Universal Accessibility Principles: Protocol for a Scoping Review. JMIR Research Protocols, 11(7), e33641.

  • Corcuff, M., Routhier, F., Gamache, S., Fiset, D., Leblond, J., Lamontagne, M-E. (2022). Implementation Determinants of Knowledge Mobilization within a Quebec Municipality to Improve Universal Accessibility. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(22): 14651. doi: 10.3390/ijerph192214651

  • Corcuff, M., Ruiz Rodrigo, A., Mwaka, C.R., Routhier, F., Battalova, A., Lamontagne, M. E. (2023). Municipalities’ strategies to implement universal accessibility measures: A scoping review. Available at SSRN 4327401, (submitted).

  • Gotti, D., Morales, E., Routhier, F., Riendeau, J., Hadj Hassen, A., Inson Michel, R. Dehumanizing air travel: A scoping review on accessibility and inclusion of people with disabilities in international airports. Frontiers in Rehabilitation Sciences, (submitted).

  • Jeawon, M., Hase, B., Miller, S., Eng, J.J., Bundon, A., Chaudhury, H., Maffin, J., Clarkson, R., Wright, J., Mortenson, W.B. (2023). Exploring the quality of life of people with incomplete spinal cord injury who can ambulate. Disabilities,

  • Lapierre, N., Olatona, O., Labrie, D., Gagnon, M., Paquette Raynard, E., Mortenson, W.B., Routhier, F. (2022). Providing community services for persons with disabilities during the COVID-19 pandemic: A scoping review. Health & Social Care in the Community, 00, 1–15.

  • Labbé, D.; Mahmood, A.; Miller, W.C.; Mortenson, W.B. (2020). Examining the Impact of Knowledge mobilization strategies to inform urban stakeholders on accessibility: A mixed-methods study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(5), 1561. doi: 10.3390/ijerph17051561

  • Lapierre, N., Labrie, D., Routhier, F., Mortenson, W.B. (2023). Service delivery and programing adaptations for individuals with disabilities by municipalities and non-profit organizations during the COVID pandemic. Home Health Care Services Quarterly, 1–16.

  • Lapierre, N., Piquer, O., Celicovik, E., Routhier, F., Ruel, J., Lamontagne M-E. (2021). Accessibility of Online Resources for Associations Providing Services to People with Brain Injuries in Covid-19 Pandemic. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(23):12609. doi: 10.3390/ijerph182312609

  • Labbé, D., Mahmood, A., Seetharaman, K., Miller, W.C., Mortenson, W.B. (2022). Creating inclusive and healthy communities for all: A photovoice approach with adults with mobility limitations. SSM Qualitative Research in Health,

  • Manella, S., Labbé, D., Bundon, A., Sauvé,. J. McBride, C., Best, K.L, Yung, O., Miller, W.C. (2023). Access at elevation: Strategies to support quality of participation for people with disabilities in adaptive snow sports, Journal of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism, 43.

  • Martin Ginis, K.A., Sinden, A.R., Bonaccio, S., Labbé, D., Guertin, C., R. Gellatly, I.R., Koch, L., Mortenson, W.B., Routhier, F., Basham, A., Jetha, A., C. Miller, W.C. Experiential Aspects of Participation in Employment and Mobility for Adults with Physical Disabilities: Testing Cross-Sectional Models of Contextual Influences and Well-Being Outcomes. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, (submitted).

  • Ouellet, B., Rushton, P., Côté, A-A., Fortin-Haines, L., Lafleur, E., Paré, I., Barwick, M., Kirby, L., Robert, M.T., Routhier, F., Burrola-Mendez, Y., Best, K. (2022). Evaluation of pediatric-specific resources to support utilization of the Wheelchair Skills Training Program by the users of the resources: a descriptive qualitative study. BMC Pediatrics. 22(1): 500. doi: 10.1186/s12887-022-03539-0

  • Ouellet, B, Best, K.L., Wilson, D, Miller, W.C.. (2022). Exploring community-based peer-led wheelchair skills training for improving satisfaction with participation in children with cerebral palsy and spina bifida. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(19), 11908;

  • Prescott, M., Routhier, F., Labbé, D., Grandisson, M., Mahmood, A., Morales, E., Best, K.L., Mostafavi, M.A., Borisoff, J., Gamache, S., Sawatzky, B., Miller, W.C., Bulk, L.Y., Robillard, J.M., Jenkins H.T., Seetharaman, K., Mortenson, W.B. (2022). Providing Accessible ReCreation Outdoors – User-driven Research on Standards (PARCOURS): Protocol for Multiphase Study. JMIR Protocol, 11(3): e33611. doi: 10.2196/33611

  • Prescott, M., Gamache, S., Mortenson, W.B., Best, K.L., Grandisson, M., Mostafavi, M.A., Labbé, D., Morales, E., Mahmood, A., Borisoff, J., Sawatzky, B., Miller, W.C., Bulk, L.Y., Robillard, J.M., Routhier, F. (2022). Providing Accessible ReCreation Outdoors-User-driven Research on Standards: Protocol for Mobile and Web-Based Interviews for Winter Assessments. JMIR Research Protocols, 11(3): e38715. doi:10.2196/38715

  • Robert, M., Labbé, M., Hebinck, M., Périnet-Lacroix, R., Albert, U., Arbour-Nicitopoulos, K., Boulenger, A., Batcho, C., Maltais, D., Rushton, P., Best, K. (2023). Education and measurement are the top priorities to advance physical literacy for individuals with physical disabilities. Physical Activity and Health, 7(1):103–114. DOI:

  • Seetharaman, K., Mahmood, A,. Rikhtehgaran, F,. Akbarnejad, G., Chishtie, F., Prescott, M., Chung, A., Mortenson, W.B. Influence of the built environment on community mobility of people living with visual disabilities: A scoping review, urban, planning and transport research, (submitted).

  • Berthiaume, J, Ouellet, B., Labbé, M., Hebinck, M., Robert, M., Descarreaux, M., Martineau, P., Best, K.L. (submitted September 2022). Exploring the quality of participation and strategies to support meaningful engagement in an adapted paddleboard program among individuals with disabilities. Journal of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism.

  • Thériault, W., Morales, E., (2022). Accessibilité et participation sociale en milieu urbain pour les personnes atteintes d’un trouble du spectre autistique (TSA) ou d’une déficience intellectuelle (DI), 12(1), 155-179. Journal of Accessibility and Design for All, 12(1), 155-179.

  • Vincent, C., Levak, R., Dumont, F., Archambault, P., Routhier, F., Mostafavi, M.A. (2022). Usability of a navigation application for travel in Quebec City with wheeled mobility device and, further validation of the Evaluation of satisfaction with geospatial assistive technology. Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology, 17(1): 1-16. DOI: 10.1080/17483107.2022.208973

  • Gan, D., Mahmood, A., Routhier, F., Mortenson, W.B. (2022). Walk/Wheelability: An inclusive instruments pair For Participatory Age-Friendly Research and Pratice. The Gerontologist, 62(1): e39-e47. doi: 10.1093/geront/gnab079

  • Mortenson, W.B., Routhier, F., Mahmood, A., Prescott, M., Labbé, D., Martin Ginis, K.A., Miller, W.C. (2022). Predictors of psychological distress and confidence negotiating physical and social environments among mobility device users. American Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, 101(4), 324–330.

  • Mahmood, A., O’Dea, E., Bigonnesse, C., Labbé, D., Mahal, T., Qureshi, M., Mortenson, W.B. (2020). Stakeholders Walkability/Wheelability Audit in Neighbourhoods (SWAN): User-led audit and photographic documentation in Canada. Disability & Society, 35(6), 902-925.

  • Lapierre, N., Labrie, D., Routhier, F., Mortenson, W.B. (2023). Service delivery and programing adaptations for individuals with disabilities by municipalities and non-profit organizations during the COVID pandemic. American Journal of Health Promotion.

  • Hebinck, M., Boisvert, M., Labbé, M., Perinet-Lacroix, R., Brisbois, J., Best, K.L., Robert, M. Inclusive physical education: Identifying needs and gaps in Quebec schools. Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly, (submitted).

  • Gamache, S., Routhier, F., Mahmood, A., Mortenson, W.B. (2022). SWAN un outil de dialogue pour favoriser l’accessibilité de l’espace urbain. Urbanité – Automne 2022, 20-22.

  • Gainforth, H.L., McKay, R.C., Hoekstra, F., Maffin, J., Sibley, K.M., Jung, M.E., SCI Guiding Principles Consensus Panel. (2021). Principles to guide spinal cord injury research partnerships: A Delphi consensus study. Disability and Rehabilitation, 1-8.

  • Jeawon, M., Hase, B., Miller, S., Eng, J.J., Bundon, A., Chaudhury, H., Maffin, J., Clarkson, R., Wright, J., Mortenson, W.B. (2023). Understanding the experiences, needs, and strengths of people with incomplete spinal cord injury who can ambulate. Disability and Society,

  • Merrick, D., Hillma, K., Wilson, A., Labbé, D., Thompson, A., Mortenson, W.B. (2021). All aboard: Users’ experiences of adapted paddling programs. Disability and Rehabilitation, 43(20): 2945-2951. doi: 10.1080/09638288.2020.1725153

  • Labbé, D., Yao, D., Scales, T., McCain, H., Miller, W.C., Mortenson, W.B. Inclusion of people with disabilities in public transit: A case study policy review of Canada and US policies. Journal of Disability Policies Study, (submitted).

  • Labrie, D., Lapierre, N., Mortenson, W.B., Allaire, A-S., Schmouth, M-E., Routhier, F. Exploratory Study on the adaptation of online services offered to people with disabilities, in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology, (in revision).

  • Lapierre, N., Huet-Fiola, C., Labrie, D., Vincent-Blouin, E., Côté, C., Gagnon, M., Rhéaume, N., Laberge, J., Best, K.L., Routhier, F. Digital platforms to facilitate physical activities for people with physical or sensory disabilities: A scoping review. Disability and Heath Journal, (submitted).

  • Latulippe, K., Tessier, A., Routhier, F., Raymond, E., Fiset, D., Corcuff, M., Archambault, P. (2023). Facilitators and challenges in partnership research aimed at improving social inclusion of persons with disabilities: A case study. Disability and Rehabilitation, 21: 1-12.

  • Routhier, F., Lettre, J., Pigeon, C., Fiset, D., Martel, V., Binet, R., Vézina, V., Collomb d’Eyrames, O., Waygood, E. O., Mostafavi, M-A., Morales, E. (2023). Evaluation of three pedestrian phasing with audible pedestrian signal configurations in Quebec City (Canada): An exploratory study of users’ sense of safety, preferences and expectations. Disability and Rehabilitation. 1-13.

  • Savaria, A., Beaulieu, R., Boileau, A., Boily J., Ruiz-Rodrigo, A., Feillou, I., Routhier, F., Morales, E. Que savons-nous de l’accessibilité universelle des bâtiments patrimoniaux pour les personnes handicapées ? Journal of Cultural Heritage Management and Sustainable Development, (submitted).

  • Tessier, A., Latulippe, K., Routhier, F., Raymond, É., Corcuff, M., Fiset, D., Archambault, P.S. (2023). Strengths and limitations of the inclusive society research model: An autoethnography. Disability and Rehabilitation.

  • Thériault, W., Blanchet, G., Vincent, C., Feillou, I., Ruel, J., Morales, E. Scoping review of best practices in fire evacuation for seniors in private seniors’ residences and long-term care homes, (submitted).

Book chapters

  • Azimi, S., Mostafavi, M.A., Best, K.L., Dommes, A. (2023) Investigating the Navigational Behavior of Wheelchair Users in Urban Environments Using Eye Movement Data (pp. 57-75). In International Symposium on Web and Wireless Geographical Information Systems. Springer Nature Switzerland.

  • Mahmood, A., Labbé, D. (2021). Mobility and participation barriers and facilitators in the urban environment captured through user-led audits and photovoice by older adults with mobility disability (pp. 27-44). In M.D. Hartt, S. Biglieri, M. Rosenberg S. Nelson (Eds.), Aging People Aging Places. Policy Press: Bristol, UK.

  • Naghdizadegan Jahromi, M., Neysani Samany, N., Mostafavi, M.A., Argany, M. (2023) A new approach for accessibility assessment of sidewalks for wheelchair users considering the sidewalk traffic (pp. 76-92). In International Symposium on Web and Wireless Geographical Information Systems. Springer Nature Switzerland.

Conference presentations

  • Lapierre, N., Mortenson, B., Labrie, D., Huet-Fiola, C., Routhier F. (Accepté) Améliorer l’accès aux services communautaires en ligne pour les personnes avec incapacités depuis la pandémie de COVID-19 : ateliers de co-création. 90e Congrès de l’Acfas, Montréal, Canada 1-23 mai 2023. #72964

  • Battalova, A., Ford, T., Prescott, M., Mahmood, A., Best, K., Boucher, N., Collomb, O., Mostafavi, M.A., Labbe, D., Lamontagne, M-E., Martin Ginis, K., McColl, MA., Miller, W., Routhier, F., Mortenson, W.B. (May 27, 2022). Partnership for mobility, access and participation: moving towards barrier-free communities in person and online. Horizons: Crisis and Social Transformation in Community-Engaged Research, May 26-29, 2022, Vancouver, British Columbia.

  • Battalova, A. Right to the City: Understanding the Role of Accessibility Committees in Local Governments. Society for Disability Studies Annual Conference, April 8-12, 2022, Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio.

  • Battalova, A., Mortenson, W.B. Deliberative spaces: Accessibility advisory committees and disability policy justice. Canadian Sociological Association : Société canadienne de sociologie annual conference, May 12 – 20, 2022.

  • Mahmood, A., Ford, H. T., Rikhtehgaran, F., & Mortensen, W. B. (2023, June 20-23). Adapting Stakeholders Walkability/Wheelability Audit in Neighborhoods Tool for people with Sensory and Cognitive Disabilities [Conference presentation]. EDRA54 Environment and Health: Global/Local Challenges and Actions. Mexico City, Mexico.

  • Lapierre N., Mortenson B.W., Dylane Labrie, Huet-Fiola C., Côté C., Vincent-Blouin E., Morales E., & Routhier F. (Accepté) Recherche-action participative pour soutenir l’adaptation des services communautaires destinés aux personnes avec incapacités depuis la pandémie de COVID-19. 10° Colloque Santé : L’inclusion et la désinstitutionalisation: nouveaux paradigmes ou injonctions pour innover dans le champ de la santé?, Marseille, France. 23-24 mai 2023.

  • Battalova, A., Scales, T., Bever, G., Chan, J., Hall, J., Perkins, J., Miller, W.C., Mortenson W.B. (2024, April 17).Considering the use of bike lanes by mobility device users: A qualitative study [Poster session]. Interdisciplinary Conference in Rehabilitation Sciences of BC (INCREASE BC), Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.

  • Afghantoloee, A. (2022). Optimal deployment of sensor networks in indoor environments in support of the navigation of people with motor disabilities. Webinaire du Centre de recherche en données et intelligence géospatiales (CRDIG), Québec, Canada, 10 November 2022.

  • Ahmadi, A., Mostafavi. M.A. (2022). Smart sidewalk: Using deep learning for mobility assessment of wheelchair users in winter conditions from multisensor data. Les Journées de la relève en intelligence et données du Rendez-vous en IA de Québec, Canada, 6 April 2022.

  • Azimi, S., Mostafavi, M.A. (2022). Technologie de suivi oculaire, un nouveau regard de la mobilité urbaine en fauteuil roulant. 89e Congrès de l’Acfas : Sciences tous azimuts Québec, Canada, 9-13 May 2022.

  • Barthod, C., Routhier, F., Best, K. (2021). Approche conceptuelle de l’activité physique pour des individus ayant des incapacités. Journées de la recherche de la Faculté de médecine [de l’Université Laval] et des centres affiliés, Québec, 25-27 May 2021.

  • Battalova, A., Mortenson, W.B. (2023). Embodied participation: disability epistemology on the advisory committees. Presentation at the 2023 Canadian Sociological Association Conference, Toronto.

  • Battalova, A. (2023). Presentation of accessibility advisory committee project results. 5 presentations to City of Richmond, City of Surrey, City of Delta, Comox Valley, and Intermunicipal Accessibility Committee on Disability Issues.

  • Boucher, N. (2022). Praxis et Perspective. Les enjeux de la recherche participative dans le champ du handicap ou les regards des pratiques sociales à l’égard des partenariats. Colloque Collaborer pour pérenniser les résultats de la recherche partenariale sur les enjeux sociaux et de santé (conférence ouverture). 89e Congrès de l’Acfas : Sciences tous azimuts, Québec, Canada, 9-13 May 2022.

  • Corcuff, M. (2023). Améliorer l’accessibilité des villes: co-création d’outils en mobilisation des connaissances. Journée scientifique REPAR-INTER 2023, Drummondville, Canada, 9 June 2023.

  • Corcuff, M. (2022). Knowledge Mobilization Strategy within a municipality to improve accessibility of the built environment: a research protocol. AAATE 2022, Lecco, Italie, 11-15 July 2022.

  • Corcuff, M. (2022). Knowledge mobilization to improve the implementation of universal accessibility measures: partnership with municipalities to the development of training and intervention tools. Colloque international Urban Mobility II, Paris, France, 16 May-3 June 2022.

  • Corcuff, M. (2022). Municipalities’ strategies to improve implementation of universal accessibility : a scoping review. KT Canada Summer Institute, Québec.

  • Ford, H.T. (2022). Stakeholders Walkability/Wheelability Audit In Neighbourhood (SWAN), Two presentations at City of Richmond and City of Surrey.

  • Gamache, S., Prescott, M., Rivard, A., Turcotte, M.P., Roberge, J., St-Pierre, R., Tremblay-Turcotte, S., Best, K.L., Grandisson, M., Morales, E., Mostafavi, M.A., Mortenson, W.B., Routhier, F. (2022). Randonnées en plein air accessibles: Une recherche sur les normes axée sur les utilisateurs. 4e Congrès québécois de recherche en adaptation-réadaptation, Sherbrooke, 3-4 June 2022.

  • Gamache, S., Lemay, F., Lacroix, E., Mahmood, A., Labbé, D., Mortenson, W.B., Routhier, F. (2021). Audit environnemental réalisé par des utilisateurs d’aides à la mobilité dans des quartiers de la Ville de Québec (affiche). Journée scientifique REPAR-INTER 2021, événement en ligne, 3-7 May 2021.

  • Gotti, D., Morales, E., Routhier, F. (2023). Les quelques pratiques actuelles d’accessibilité inclusive des aéroports internationaux : Un examen de la portée (présentation par affiche). Journée scientifique REPAR-INTER 2023, Drummondville, Canada, 9 June 2023.

  • Hadj Hassen, A., Morales, E., Routhier, F., Gotti, D., Feillou, I., Ruel, J., Monetta, L., Hotton, M., Wolbring, G. (2024). (Lack of) Accessibility on Canadian Airports. Livable Cities: A Conference on Issues Affecting Life in Cities, London, accepted for 26-28 June 2024.

  • Jeawon, M., Hase, B., Miller, S., Eng, J., Bundon, A., Chaudhury, H., Mortenson, W.B. (2022). People with incomplete spinal cord injury describe struggling to be fully included. Presentation at the 18th World Federation of Occupational Therapy Congress, Paris, France, 28-31 August 2022.

  • Kardeh, B. (2021). Navigating the built environment, accessible communities for people with disabilities and older adults, Richmond Seniors Advisory Committee (RSAC), September 2021.

  • Kiki, G.M., Lamontagne, M-E., Routhier, F., Best, K.L. (2022). Is transit training a solution for independent travel for older people with mobility impairments? 11th World Physiotherapy Africa Congress, Republic of Benin, 27-29 October 2022.

  • Labbé, D. Yao, D., Scales, T., Mortenson, W.B., Miller, W.C. (2023). Les politiques de transports publics : quelle place est donné aux personnes en situation de handicap? [Public transportation policies: what place for people with disabilities?] Invited Conference for the Midi Conference of the Cirris, Quebec City, June 2023.

  • Labbé, D., Morales, E., Thériault, W., Tang, B., Routhier, F., Mortenson, W.B., Prescott, M. (2021). Inclusive Parks: A scoping review of accessibility standards for people with disabilities. 10th International Conference on Monitoring and Management of Visitors in Recreational and Protected Areas, Lillehammer, Norway, 16-19 August 2021.

  • Lamontagne, M.È, Routhier, F. (2021). Améliorer la mise en œuvre des principes d’accessibilité universelle dans les organisations municipales : protocole d’une revue de la portée. Journées de la recherche de la Faculté de médecine [de l’Université Laval] et des centres affiliés, Québec, 25-27 May 2021.

  • Lapierre, N., Mortenson, W.B., Labrie, D., Huet-Fiola, C., Routhier, F. (2023). Améliorerl’accès aux services communautaires en ligne pour les personnes avec incapacitésdepuis la pandémie de COVID-19 : ateliers de co-création. 90e Congrès de l’Acfas, Montréal, Canada, 1-23 May 2023.

  • Lapierre, N., Huet-Fiola, C., Ben Gaied, N., Labrie, D., Côté, C., Vincent-Blouin, E., Lamontagne, M-E., Pageau, F., Best K.L., Poulin, V., Tawbi, N., Routier, F. (2023). Access to support groups for people with Alzheimer’s Disease since the COVID-19 pandemic in the Province of Quebec: an action research approach (virtual poster presentation). Alzheimer’s Association International Conference (AAIC), Amsterdam, Pays-Bas, 16-20 July 2023.

  • Lapierre, N., Mortenson, W.B., Lamontagne, M-E., Routhier, F. (2021). Accès aux services communautaires pour les personnes avec incapacités depuis la pandémie de COVID-19 : une étude de type recherche-action Présentation à la Journée scientifique REPAR-INTER 2021, 3-7 May 2021.

  • Lapierre, N., Mortenson, W.B., Labrie, D., Huet-Fiola, C., Routhier, F. (2023). Améliorer l’accès aux services communautaires en ligne pour les personnes avec incapacités depuis la pandémie de COVID-19 : ateliers de co-création. 90e Congrès de l’Acfas, Montréal, Canada, 8-12 May 2023.

  • Mahmood, A., Mortenson, W.B., Nasiri, R., (2023). Navigating the built environment, Accessible communities for people with mobility disabilities in Burnaby. Burnaby Access Advisory Committee, October 2023.

  • Mahmood, A., Seetharaman, K., Jenkins, H.T., Prescott, M., Rikhtehgaran, F. (2022). Adapting Stakeholders Walkability/Wheelability Audit in Neighborhoods Tool for seniors with sensory and cognitive Disabilities, GSA, November 2022.

  • Mahmood, A., Prescott, M., Ford, H.T. (2022). Navigating the Built Environment from Intersections to Parks: Accessible communities for people with disabilities and older adults, Healthy Built Environment Alliance, September 2022.

  • Mahmood, A., Kardeh, B. (2022). SWAN Project Update, Burnaby Access Advisory Committee.

  • Mahmood, A., Seetharaman, K., Jenkins, H.T., Prescott, M., Rikhtehgaran, F., Alison, C., July 2022. The influence of the neighbourhood built environment on the outdoor mobility of people with visual and hearing disabilities: A scoping review, International Association People – Environment Studies (AIPS).

  • Mahmood, A., Ford, H.T., (2022). Towards Barrier-Free Communities: A Partnership for Improving Mobility, Access, and Participation among people with disabilities, Civic Innovation LAB, July 2022.

  • Mora, J.D. (2022). Stakeholders Walkability/Wheelability Audit In Neighbourhood (SWAN), Cambie Community Centre, July 2022.

  • Mortenson, W.B. (2022). Understanding and enabling the community mobility of people with disabilities. Presentation at the Centre for Hip Health and Mobility. Vancouver, 8 March 2022.

  • Mortenson, W.B. (2023). Mobility and Social participation among people with spinal cord injury. ICORD Trainee Symposium. Vancouver, 19 October 2023.

  • Mortenson, W.B. (2022). Understanding and enabling the community mobility of people with disabilities. Keynote address at the University of Alberta’s Occupational Therapy Professional Development Committee annual conference, 29 April 2022.

  • Mortenson, W.B., Jeawon, M., Hase, B., Miller, S., Eng, J., Bundon, A. Chaudhury, H. (2022). Understanding the perspectives of life satisfaction among ambulatory people with incomplete spinal cord injury. Presentation at the 60th International Spinal Cord Annual Scientific Meeting, Vancouver, Canada, 15-18 September 2022.

  • Mostafavi, M.A., Afghantoloee, A. (2022). Smart inclusive buildings for the mobility of people with disabilities. Colloque international Urban Mobility II, Paris, France, 16 May a- 3 June 2022.

  • Mostafavi, M.A., Prescott, M., Mansilla, J. (2022). Mobilité et accessibilité: l’intelligence de lieux au service de participation sociale des personnes ayant des incapacités. Webinaire du Centre de recherche en données et intelligence géospatiales (CRDIG), Québec, Canada, 14 April 2022.

  • Mostafavi, M.A. (2023) Ville et mobilité intelligentes: Un regard inclusive. Colloque du centre de recherche en données et intelligence géospatiale (CRDIG), Québec, Canada, 8 June 2023.

  • Mwaka, C.R., Best, K.L., Gagnon, M., Routhier, F. (2022). Public Transport Accessibility for People with disabilities: Protocol of a Scoping Review. 4e Congrès québécois de recherche en adaptation-réadaptation [En ligne]. Sherbrooke, Canada, 3-4 June 2022.

  • Mwaka, C.R., Best, K.L., Lamontagne, M.È., Boucher, N., Caouette, M., Archambault, P., Brais, N., Henriquez, D., Routhier, F. (2022). Apprentissage à l’utilisation du transport en commun régulier pour les personnes ayant des incapacités d’un service d’accompagnement en mobilité intégrée. 89e Congrès de l’Acfas : Sciences tous azimuts, Québec, Canada, 9-13 May 2022.

  • Mwaka, C.R., Best, K.L., Cunningham, C., Gagnon, M., (2023). Experiences of people with disabilities when using public transport: A scoping review. Journée scientifique REPAR-INTER 2023, Drummondville, Canada, 9 June 2023.

  • Ouellet, B., Rushton, P.W., Lamontagne, M-E., Best, K.L. (2022). We can do it together: Co-adaptation of the Wheelchair Skills Training Program for occupational therapy use with children. World Federation of Occupational Therapy conference. Paris, France, 28-31 August 2022.

  • Ouellet, B., Déry, J., Lamontagne, M-E., Best, K. (2022). Listen to our voices: Scoping review on the strategies to foster the active participation of children with disabilities in occupational therapy research. World Federation of Occupational Therapy conference. Paris, France, 28-31 August 2022.

  • Prescott, M., Robillard, J., Grandisson, M., Mahmood, A., Routhier, F., Best, K.L., Labbé, D., Mostafavi, M.A., Miller, W.C, Morales, E., Sawatzky, B., Bulk, L., Carrasco, M.J., Borisoff, J., Mortenson, W.B. (2021). Providing Accessible ReCreation Outdoors: User-drive research on standards (PARCOURS) – Research protocol (abstract and virtual presentation). 10th International Conference on Monitoring and Management of Visitors in Recreational and Protected Areas, Lillehammer, Norway, 16-19 August 2021.

  • Prescott, M., Routhier, F., Labbé, D., Grandisson, M., Mahmood, A., Morales, E., Best, K.L., Mostafavi, M.A., Borisoff, J., Robillard, J., Miller, W.C., Mortenson, W.B. (2021, May 3-7). Providing accessible recreation outdoors: User-driven research on standards research protocol. Presentation at Journée scientifique REPAR-INTER, virtual conference.

  • Prescott, M. (2022). Stakeholders Walkability/Wheelability Audit In Neighbourhood (SWAN), 3 presentations to City of New Westminster, Department of Transportation/Engineering; City of North Vancouver; and City of Vancouver, February 2022.

  • Richard, S., Vincent, C., Routhier, F., Archambault, P., Mostafavi, M.A. (2021). Geospatial assistive technology and wheelchair mobility, a mobile app user experience. 2nd Cotec-Enothe Congress, Prague, Czech Republic, 15-18 September 2021.

  • Rikhtegaran, F., Seetharaman, K., Chung, A. (May 2022). The Stakeholder’s Walkability/ Wheelability Audit in Neighourhood (SWAN) Tool , Silver Harbour Senior Centre.

  • Rikhtegaran, F., (February 2022). Stakeholders Walkability/Wheelability Audit In Neighbourhood (SWAN), City Of Burnaby.

  • Routhier, F., Lettre, J., Desmarais, C., Grandisson, M., Morales E., Lamontagne, M.-E., Julien-Gauthier, F., Mortenson, W.B., Field, D.A., Zwicker, J.G., Campbell W., Phoenix M., Belleau, M.-C., Tellier, F., Lamothe, S., Demange-Lacombe J., Kangkoyiri, F. (2023). Accessibilité des services de garde au Canada pour les enfants de 0 à 5 ans en situation de handicap : Méthodologie d’un projet pour dresser un portrait de la situation actuelle. 90e Congrès de l’Acfas, Montréal, Canada, 8-12 May 2023.

  • Routhier, F., Archambault, P. Société inclusive: Une collaboration partenaires-chercheurs soutenue par une approche de recherche partenariale. Congrès SOFPEL 1-3, Marcheille, France, December 2022.

  • Routhier, F., Lettre, J., Desmarais, C., Grandisson, M., Morales, E., Lamontagne, M-E., Julien-Gauthier, F., Field, D.A., Zwicker, J., Campbell, W., Phoenix, M., Seetharaman, K., Jenkins, H.T., Lemme, H., Mahmood, A., Famadico, C., Chung, A., Mortenson, W.B. (2021). The influence of the neighbourhood built environment on the Out-of-home mobility and social participation of Older Adults with Sensory Disabilities: A Scoping Review. Canadian Association on Gerontology (CAG), Toronto, October 21-23, 2021.

  • Routhier, F. (2023). Vers des territoires plus inclusifs. Corporation de développement communautaire des deux-Rives. Jonquière, Canada, 24 May 2023.

  • Routhier, F. Ouellet, B., Best, K.L. (2021). Habile avec mes roues, je vais partout: Évaluation et entraînement aux habiletés en fauteuil roulant. Congrès biennal de l’Association des Orthésistes et des Prothésistes du Québec et de l’Association Québécoise des Intervenants auprès des Personnes Amputées, Lévis, Canada, 23-24 October 2021.

  • Ruiz-Rodrigo, A. (2023). La mobilisation des connaissances en accessibilité universelle : Quels outils dans une organisation municipale ?. Colloque: La recherche participative PAR/POUR/AVEC les groupes marginalisés, Québec, Canada, 5 June 2023.

  • Ruiz-Rodrigo, A., Morales, E., Lakoud, M., Feillou, I., Mathieu, S., Routhier, F., Riendeau, J. (2023) Accessibility in heritage sites: perspectives on meaning and barriers found on walking interviews with people with disabilities in Quebec City. EDRA54 Environment and Health: Global/Local Challenges and Actions, Mexico City, 20-23 June 2023.

  • Ruiz Rodrigo, A., Routhier, F., Morales, E. (2022). La formation et le rôle de l’ergothérapeute en matière d’accessibilité universelle (Communication orale soumise). 89e Congrès de l’Acfas. Québec, 9-13 May 2022.

  • Rushton, P.W., Best, K.L., Ouellet, B., Barthod, C. (2021). La place des habiletés fonctionnelles en fauteuil roulant en sport adapté. Congrès en sports adaptés, Montréal, Canada, 29 November 2021.

  • Rushton, P.W., Best, K.L., Ouellet, B., Robert, M., Routhier, F., Kirby, R.L., Barwick, M., Lafleur, E., Côté, A.-A., Fortin-Haines, L., Paré, I., Dib, T., Rice, C., Nadeau, C., Héroux, D., Burrola-Mendez, Y. (2021). WeeWheel: Enhancing knowledge translation of pediatric mobility through tailored resources. 2021 CHILD-BRIGHT Virtual Symposium, Montréal, 26 May 2021.

  • Saadawi, N., Best, K.L., Périnet-Lacroix, R., Légaré, M., Sweet, S.N. (2022). Co-designing staff training to improve adapted physical activity service provision for two community organizations: A proposed study. 26th Eastern Canada Sport Exercise Psychology Symposium (ECSEPS), Ottawa, Canada, 25-26 March 2022.

  • Tessier, A., Latulippe, K., Raymond, É., Fiset, D., Routhier, F., Archambault, P. (2022). Pratiques facilitantes et défis en recherche partenariales : Étude de cas du modèle de Société inclusive visant à favoriser l’inclusion des personnes en situation de handicap. Recherches participatives en santé et bien-être des populations : défis et pratiques, 9-10 March 2022.

  • Thériault, W., Morales, E. Vincent, C., Feillou, I, Ruel, J., Blanchet, G. (2023). Saving seniors lives through training: Alternative learning methods of fire evacuation in retirement residences. EDRA54, Mexico City, 20-23 June 2023.

  • Thériault, W., Morales, E., Vincent, C., Feillou, I, Ruel, J., Blanchet, G. (2023) Modalités alternatives de formation en évacuation d’incendies pour aînés : par les pairs et par le jeu. 90e congrès de l’ACFAS, Montréal, Canada, 1-23 May 2023.

  • Vincent, C., Dumont, F., Routhier, F., Archambault, P., Mostafavi M.A. (2022). De nouveaux outils d’évaluation pour s’assurer qu’une application de mobilité guide de façon sécuritaire les déplacements en fauteuil roulant en ville. Congrès de la Société Francophone Posture Équilibre et Locomotion (SOFPEL), Marcheille, France, 1-3 December 2022.

  • Wu, J., Ing, I. (2023). Stakeholders Walkability/Wheelability Audit In Neighbourhood (SWAN), Minoru Center for Active living, Richmond, BC, July 2023.

In the Media

  • Dr. Ben Mortenson was interviewed for the article “Ask an expert: How can I enjoy cold weather activities if I live with a disability?” in the VCHRI newsletter:

  • François Routhier was interviewed (2021-30-06). “Impact de la pandémie chez les personnes handicapées”. Émission : La puce à l’oreille. Regroupement des personnes handicapées visuelles (RPHV 03-12).

  • Alifya Battalova was interviewed for the article “’Trust erosion’: Researcher critical of West Shore accessibility committee process,” August 25, 2023.