ImageTitleBrief descriptionPrimary needhf:tax:needs
A community-based system for sharing Recreational Assistive Devices (RAD)

Aims to determine the needs, interests and challenges involved in a recreational assistive device loan program.

A mobile application for teaching people how to fit and use walking aids properly (ICanWALK©)

A mobile application for teaching people how to fit and use walking aids properly, “Improving Canadians’ Walking Aid Skills, Learning, and Knowledge” (ICanWALK©). This project Aims to assess the influence of the ICanWALK© app on increasing knowledge and confidence of walking aids fitting and skills walking aids users.

Access to community services for people with disabilities or loss of autonomy (PWD) since the COVID-19 pandemic: a research-action study

Exploring how non-profit organizations and municipalities adapted service delivery and programming for people with disabilities during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Access to Fly: Development of user-based recommendations to support air travel for people with SCI

Understanding people with SCI’s experience on the airplane in order to develop training recommendation guidelines for airline companies with the goal of improving travel experiences.

Accessibility Advisory Committees/Disability Advocacy on a Local Level

This project will focus on identifying best practices, assessing the capacity building needs, and evaluating the collaboration between the cities and the advisory committees.

Accessibility of the Built Environment for People with Disabilities: Best Practices and Knowledge Mobilization Challenges in a Municipal Organization

This project aims to support Quebec City in implementing the universal accessibility measures provided in the legislation.

Active Transportation Policy Analysis

This project analyzes existing public transportation policies across municipalities in British Columbia, in Canada and Illinois in US.

AXS-Patrimoine : Pour une Conciliation Harmonieuse Entre nos Bâtiments Patrimoniaux et L’Accessibilité Inclusive

This project aims to provide recommendations for developing inclusive accessibility standards in heritage buildings and heritage sites.

Development of Indicators of the Use of Public Transport

The general aim is to develop indicators on the use of public transport by people with disabilities or reduced mobility.

Discrepancy Awareness Training to Change Attitudes Toward Disability

This project will focus on increasing the awareness of subconscious reactions and implicit attitudes toward disability.

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Engineering Solutions for Outdoor Accessibility

This project will review best practices and evaluate the tools for improving the accessibility of the streetscapes.

Identification of facilitators and barriers to the use of adapted public transport by eligible persons accompanied by a child aged 5 or under

This project aims to explore the perceptions of eligible persons for adapted public transport with a child aged 5 or under, focusing on the obstacles and facilitators in using adapted transport.

Improving Wayfinding Skills Among People with Disabilities

This project aims to explore user experiences using wheeled mobility devices to navigate novel environments and different wayfinding strategies found to be effective among people with disabilities. 

Inclusive Airports: Toward inclusive accessibility in Canadian airports

This project aims to provide evidence-based recommendations on norms of accessibility in international airports.

iPASS-âge: Fire prevention, Accessibility and Safety for Older Adults

This project aims to co-create three preventative tools to reduce the risk of fire deaths in private seniors’ residences and long-term care homes.



Provision of health-related climate information services to increase resilience of vulnerable communities in urban centers

The project aims to create region-specific climate-disaster toolkits for people with disabilities and older adults across urban centers in Canada, providing essential, accessible resources to help increase their resilience and mitigate the risks posed by increasingly severe climate events.

Sidewalk Infrastructure Project

 MAP is partnering with City of Burnaby to explore the process for identifying and prioritizing pedestrian infrastructure accessibility improvements. 

Social Network Analysis

The purpose of the study is to conduct an analysis of interactions and relationships between all MAP team members, researchers (12) and partners, who are considered a network as a whole.

Stakeholder’s Walkability/Wheelability Audit in Neighbourhoods (SWAN) Tool Development for People with Sensory and Cognitive Disabilities

The Stakeholders Walkability / Wheelability Audit in Neighbourhoods (SWAN) tool is a neighbourhood-built environment audit tool which facilitates participant-led evaluations of selected street segments which influence mobility:

Training and Familiarization with the Use of Public Transport (SAMI)

This project will explore perceptions and experiences of public transport use by people with disabilities and reduced mobility before and after a training/familiarization with the use of public transport.

Understanding the Experiences of People with Disabilities Utilizing Taxi and Rideshare Services

This project aims to better understand the lived experiences of PWD who regularly use taxis and other rideshare services. 

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Website Accessibility for People with Traumatic Brain Injury

This project assesses the accessibility of the online resources of associations delivering services to people with traumatic brain injury.

Wheeled Device and Adaptive Cycle Users’ Mobility Experiences with Cycling Infrastructure

This project explores the transportation experiences of cyclists or wheeled mobility device users in cycle lanes.
