Better Environmentally Sound Transportation (BEST)

Better Environmentally Sound Transportation (BEST) logo
Brief description
BEST is a non-profit charitable organization which has been promoting sustainable transportation since 1991, with a mission to activate better transportation options through initiatives, collaboration and leadership.

BEST is a non-profit charitable organization which has been promoting sustainable transportation since 1991, with a mission to activate better transportation options through initiatives, collaboration and leadership. Since 2011, we have been working to address issues of seniors and people with disabilities getting around, working with all transportation authorities and stakeholders to take a systems approach in addressing mobility for an aging population. BEST has a long history of achievements in policy and initiatives throughout the region and province and is well-positioned for creating behaviour and design changes, due to our long-standing relationships with major stakeholders, including TransLink, ICBC, HandyDART, municipalities and senior-serving agencies.


BEST will be providing in-kind support to this project in the way of staff time spent on the project, knowledge translation to community organizations, and office space and equipment for the staff contributing to the project.

The researchers on the project and BEST share the goals of the right for everyone to get around without a car. This requires a transportation system which offers affordable, appropriate, accessible, available and adaptable modes, which are barrier-free to all users. Through this project, we hope to build upon the work that has been done and will continue to be done, with Seniors on the Move, evaluating transportation and mobility interventions, such as those easing the transition from driving to other modes, as well as testing out new initiatives, and look to scale these interventions to other communities in BC. The larger outcome will be created through engaging partners like TransLink, ICBC and municipalities, towards creating real systems change to make our transportation and built environment barrier-free.


Email: info[at]



City: Vancouver
Province: British Columbia
Country: Canada
Organization type
Individuals associated with organization
Projects associated with organization
Brief description
BEST is a non-profit charitable organization which has been promoting sustainable transportation since 1991, with a mission to activate better transportation options through initiatives, collaboration and leadership.

BEST is a non-profit charitable organization which has been promoting sustainable transportation since 1991, with a mission to activate better transportation options through initiatives, collaboration and leadership. Since 2011, we have been working to address issues of seniors and people with disabilities getting around, working with all transportation authorities and stakeholders to take a systems approach in addressing mobility for an aging population. BEST has a long history of achievements in policy and initiatives throughout the region and province and is well-positioned for creating behaviour and design changes, due to our long-standing relationships with major stakeholders, including TransLink, ICBC, HandyDART, municipalities and senior-serving agencies.


BEST will be providing in-kind support to this project in the way of staff time spent on the project, knowledge translation to community organizations, and office space and equipment for the staff contributing to the project.

The researchers on the project and BEST share the goals of the right for everyone to get around without a car. This requires a transportation system which offers affordable, appropriate, accessible, available and adaptable modes, which are barrier-free to all users. Through this project, we hope to build upon the work that has been done and will continue to be done, with Seniors on the Move, evaluating transportation and mobility interventions, such as those easing the transition from driving to other modes, as well as testing out new initiatives, and look to scale these interventions to other communities in BC. The larger outcome will be created through engaging partners like TransLink, ICBC and municipalities, towards creating real systems change to make our transportation and built environment barrier-free.


Email: info[at]



City: Vancouver
Province: British Columbia
Country: Canada
Organization type
Individuals associated with organization
Projects associated with organization