SWAN Interactive Stakeholder and Collaborator Forum
Gan, D. R. Y., Mahmood, A., Routhier, F., & Mortenson, W. B., (2022). Walk/wheelability: An inclusive instrument-pair for participatory aging-friendly research and practice. The Gerontologist. 62 (1), e-39-e47. https://doi.org/10.1093/geront/gnab079
Mahmood, A., Labbe, D. (2021). Mobility and participation barriers and facilitators in the urban environment captured through user-led audits and photovoice by older adults with mobility disability. In M.D. Hartt, S. Biglieri, M. Rosenberg & S. Nelson (Eds.), Aging people aging places (pp. 27-44). Policy Press: Bristol, UK
Mortenson, W. B., Routhier, F., Mahmood, A., Prescott, M., Labbé, D., Martin Ginis, K.A. & Miller, W. C. (Accepted, 2021). Predictors of Psychological Distress and Confidence Negotiating Physical and Social Environments among Mobility Device Users. American Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation.
Labbé, D., Mahmood, A., Miller, W.C, Prescott, M., & Mortenson, W.B., (Online, July 2020). Using photovoice to increase social inclusion of people with disabilities; reflections on the benefits and challenges. Journal of Community Psychology. http://DOI:10.1002/jcop.22354
Labbé, D., Mahmood, A., Miller, W.C, & Mortenson, W.B., (2020). Examining the impact of knowledge mobilization strategies to inform urban stakeholders on accessibility: A mixed-methods study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (IJERPH), 17, 1561. doi:10.3390/ijerph17051561
Mahmood, A., O’Dea, E., Bigonnesse, C., Mahal, T., Labbe, D., Saddiq, S., Qureshi, M., & Mortenson, W.B., (2020). Stakeholders walkability/wheelability audit in neighbourhoods (SWAN): User-led audits and photo documentation. Disability & Society, 35 (6), 902-925. DOI: 10.1080/09687599.2019.1649127 (published online Aug, 2019)
Atoyebi, O, Labbé, D., Prescott, M., Mahmood, A., Routhier, F., Miller, W., Mortenson, W B (2019). Mobility challenges among older adult mobility device users. Current Geriatrics Reports.
Bigonnesse, C., Mahmood, A., Chaudhury, H., Mortenson, W.B., Miller, W.C., Martin Ginis, K.A. (Published online, April, 2018) The role of neighbourhood physical environment on mobility and social participation among people using mobility assistive technology: A systematic review. Disability and Society. 33(6). https://doi.org/10.1080/09687599.2018.1453783
Routhier, F., Mortenson, W. B., Demers, L., Mahmood, A., Chaudhury, H., Martin Ginis, K., & Miller, W. C. (2018) Mobility and participation of people with disabilities using mobility assistive technologies: A protocol to identify psychosocial and physical environmental barriers and facilitators. JMIR Research Protocols. doi:10.2196/12089
Reflection – Dementia Data Collection by Aislynn Sharrock. Available: https://inclusivemap.ca/reflection-dementia-data-collection-by-aislynn-sharrock/
Mahmood, A. & Labbe, D. (April, 2019). A dEMAND for dialogue. GRC Newsletter, Vol.38 (1), p. 8-9. Available: https://www.sfu.ca/content/dam/sfu/grc/stories/grc-news/archive/GRC_NEWS/grc-news_april-2019.pdf
Labbe, D. & Mahmood, A. (Dec. 2017) “On the Move: Wheeling the Walk” A knowledge mobilization video. GRC Newsletter, Vol.36 (2), p. 7. Available: https://www.sfu.ca/content/dam/sfu/grc/stories/grc-news/archive/GRC_NEWS/grc_dec_2017.pdf
Mahmood, A., Mahal, T. & Bigonnesse, C. (2017, Summer). Stakeholders’ Walkability/ Wheelability Audit in Neighbourhood (SWAN). GRC Newsletter, Vol. 36, p. 10. Available: https://www.sfu.ca/content/dam/sfu/grc/stories/grc-news/archive/GRC_NEWS/grc_august_2017.pdf
Battalova, A., Jenkins, H.T., Prescott, M., Mahmood, A., Best, K., Boucher, N., Collomb, O., Mostafavi, M.A., Labbe, D., Lamontagne, M-E., Martin Ginis, K., McColl, MA., Miller, W., Routhier, F., Mortenson, W.B. (May 27, 2022). Partnership for mobility, access and participation: moving towards barrier-free communities in person and online. Horizons: Crisis and Social Transformation in Community-Engaged Research, May 26-29, 2022, Vancouver, British Columbia.
Mahmood, A., Seetharaman, K., Jenkins, H.T., & Prescott, M. (2022, November 2-6). Adaptation of the Stakeholders Walkability/ Wheelability Audit in Neighborhoods tool. [Conference]. Gerontological Society of America’s Annual Scientific Meeting, Indianapolis, IN, United States.
Seetharaman, K., Jenkins, H.T., Lemme, H., Mahmood, A., Famadico, C., Chung, A., & Mortenson, W.B. (2021, October 21-23). The Influence of the Neighbourhood Built Environment on the Out-of-Home Mobility and Social Participation of Older Adults with Sensory Disabilities: A Scoping Review. [Conference]. Canadian Association on Gerontology 50th Annual Scientific and Educational Meeting, Toronto, BC, Canada.
Lemme, H., Qureshi, M., Jenkins, H.T., & Mahmood, A. (2021, May 8). From Theory to Practice: Stakeholders’ Walkability/Wheelability Audits in Burnaby Neighbourhoods [Online Community Presentation]. Burnaby Festival of Learning, Burnaby, B.C., Canada. https://festivaloflearning.ca/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/Burnaby-Festival-of-Learning-Program-2021.pdf
Mahmood, A. & Mortensen (2019, Nov. 28). dEMAND Findings Presentation at CivX 2019 : Civil Ideas for Less Civil Times symposium, The Lower Mainland Local Government Association & Civic Info BC – Morris J. Wosk Centre for Dialogue, Vancouver, BC
Mahmood, A., Labbe, D., Mahal, T., Mortensen, B., & Bigonnesse, C. (May, 2019). Participatory research and knowledge mobilization: Environmental Audits, photo elicitations and videos around mobility and access. Paper presentation at the annual meeting of Environmental Design Research Association, May. 22-26, 2019, Brooklyn, New York. (Abstract published in Beth, A., Wener, R., Yoon, B., Rae, R. A., & Morris, J. (Eds.). (2019). Proceedings from EDRA 50: Sustainable urban environments. Brooklyn, NY: Environmental Design Research Association. https://cuny.manifoldapp.org/projects/edra-50-proceedings)
Labbé, D. & Mahmood, A. (2019, April 11), dEMAND Findings Presentation, Access Abilities Advisory Committee – City of New Westminster, BC.
Mahmood, A. Labbe, D. (2019, April 4). dEMAND Outreach and Knowledge Translation Activity with Planning Institute of BC (PIBC) members at Understanding the Why and Then the How of Accessibility, Vancouver, BC.
Mahmood, A., Labbé, D., Qureshi, M., & Mortenson, B. (2019, March). Inclusive Community Pop-Up presented at the Innovation Week Transportation Forum, Community outreach activity for Great area Vancouver city staff, New Westminster, BC
Labbé, D. & Mahmood, A. (2019, January), dEMAND Findings Presentation, Transportation Planning Team – City of New Westminster, BC.
Mahmood, A., Labbe, D., Mahal, T., Bigonnesse, C., Mortensen, B., & Martin-Ginis, K. (2018). Participatory research and knowledge mobilization: Audits, photo elicitations and videos. Paper presentation at the annual meeting of the Gerontological Society of America, Nov. 14-18, Boston, Massachussetts. Innovation in Aging, Volume 2, Issue suppl_1, 1 November 2018, Pages 832, https://doi.org/10.1093/geroni/igy023.3100
Kleinscroth, L. Mahmood, A. Mortenson, B. & Martin Ginis, K. (2018). Community access and participation of mobility scooter users: A continuum of barrier to facilitator. Paper presentation at the Canadian Association of Gerontology Conference (2018, October 18-21) Vancouver, BC.
Mahmood, A. & Labbé, D., (2018, September), dEMAND Findings Presentation, Senior Advisory Commitee – City of New Westminster, BC.
Labbé, D., Mahmood, A., Davidson, S., Prescott, M., Qureshi, M., & Mortenson, B., (2018, October). Inclusive Community Pop-Ups. Community outreach activity for Vancouver city officials and staff, and the general public, Vancouver, BC. ((Funding: Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada)
Mahmood, A., Labbé D, Prescott, M., Davidson, S., Qureshi, M.,Chandi, A. & Mortenson, B. (2018, September). Inclusive Community Forum. Community outreach activity for city officials and staff, senior and disability organizations, researchers, students, and member of the general public.http://thelasource.com/fr/2018/09/10/mobilite-reduite-vers-une-meilleure-inclusion-sociale/ (Funding: Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada)
Mahmood, A., Labbé, D., Prescott, M., & Mortenson, W.B., (2018, August), dEMAND Findings Presentation, Lunch and Learn Session – City of Vancouver Transportation team, BC.
Labbé, D., Mahmood, A., Prescott, M., & Mortenson, W.B., (2018, August), dEMAND Findings Presentation, City of Vancouver Social Policy team, Vancouver, BC
Prescott, M., Mortenson, W.B., Labbé, D., & Mahmood, A. (2018, July), dEMAND Findings Presentation, Disability Advisory Commitee – City of Vancouver Transportation team, BC
Mahmood, A., Bigonnesse, C., Mahal, T., Mortensen, B. & Martin Ginis, K. (2018). Participatory Research and Knowledge Mobilization: Audits and Photo Documentation with Mobility Assistive Technology Users. Paper presentation at the 25th International Association of People-Environment Studies (IAPS) conference, July 8- July 13. Rome, Italy.
Mahmood, A., Labbe D., Mortenson, W.B., & Martin-Ginis, L. (2017, Nov 10). Participatory research with mobility assistive technology users: Audits, photo documentation and video. Paper presented to researchers at Frankfurt Forum of Interdisciplinary Ageing Research (FFIA), Frankfurt, Germany
Mahmood, A. Bigonnesse, C., Mahal, T., Kleinschroth, L., Mortenson, B. and Martin Ginis, K. (2017., July). Participatory research with mobility assistive technology users: Audits and photo documentation. Poster presented at the 22th World Congress, International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics. San Fransisco, USA. July 24-27, 2017
Bigonnesse, C.,Mahmood, A., Chaudhury, H., Mortenson, WB., Miller, B., Martin Ginis, K. (2016, September). The impact of physical environment on mobility and participation among people with disabilities: A literature review and proposed conceptual framework. Poster presented at The Pro Bike/Pro Walk/Pro Place conference. Sept. 12-15. Vancouver, BC.
Mahmood, A., Chaudhury, C., Oswald, F. & Konopik, N. (2016, June). Seniors Walkability Audit in Neighbourhoods’(SWAN) – Development of an user-led observation tool to evaluate neighbourhood design features that fosters mobility in older adults. Paper presented at the 24th International Association of People-Environment Studies (IAPS) conference, June 28- July 1. Lund, Sweden.
Mahmood, A., Chaudhury, H, Oswald, F., & Konopik, N., (2015, May). ‘SeniorsWalkability Audit in Neighbourhoods’(SWAN) – Development of an user-led observation tool to evaluate urban design features that fosters mobility and age-friendly design in urban neighbourhoods. Environmental Design Research Association (EDRA), May, 27-31, Los Angeles, CA.
Mahmood, A., Chaudhury, H, Oswald, F., Konopik, N., Pfeiffer, T. & Stott, S.(2014, Nov.). Development of a User-led Neighbourhood Built Environmental Audit Tool for Physical Activity in Older Adults – ‘Seniors Walkability Audit in Neighbourhoods’ (SWAN). Gerontological Society of America (GSA), Washington DC. November, 5-9, 2014.
Formal Submission Related to Legislation
Mortenson, W.B., Battalova, A., Borisoff, J., Bulk, L., Bundon, A., Eng, J., Forwell, S., Hammell, K., Jarus, T., Labbé, D., Mahmood, A., Mannella, S., McCain, H., Miller, W. C., Mortenson, P., Prescott, M., Robillard, J., Sawatzky, B., Wang, R. (2019). Formal Submission Regarding the British Columbia Framework for Accessibility Legislation. [government submission]. Available at https://engage.gov.bc.ca/app/uploads/sites/543/2020/01/International-Collaboration-on-Repair-Discovery-28Nov19-FINAL.pdf
Jenkins, H.T., Qureshi, M., Chung, A.F., & Mahmood, A., (2021, September 13). The pandemic highlights the importance of walkable and wheelable neighbourhoods. The Conversation. https://theconversation.com/the-pandemic-highlights-the-importance-of-walkable-and-wheelable-neighbourhoods-165204
Oct. 19, 2020. SFU News. Knowledge Mobilizers: Collaboration reaps rewarding benefits for SFU gerontology researchers
Enabling Mobility and Participation Among Those with Disability (dEMAND). (2018). On the Move: Navigating the Neighbourhood. YouTube. Retrieved from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Aq0gplsrxnY&list=PL5JuRZWyyYpIBKOPsEv-gUTggfGvUz4vJ&index=1.
Enabling Mobility and Participation Among Those with Disability (dEMAND). (2018). On the Move: Wheeling the Walk. YouTube. Retrieved from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qIxGed3lJSI&list=PL5JuRZWyyYpIBKOPsEv-gUTggfGvUz4vJ&index=2&t=1sgUTggfGvUz4vJ&index=1.
Enabling Mobility and Participation Among Those with Disability (dEMAND). (2018). On the Move: Connecting in the Community. YouTube. Retrieved from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T4sM3KxOK_8&list=PL5JuRZWyyYpIBKOPsEv-gUTggfGvUz4vJ&index=3.